Natural Products
Certified medical devices made in Austria
PMA Zeolite for your guthealth

Here you can find articles about current topics

Verbindung zwischen Darm und Gehirn: Neue Einsichten in neurodegenerative Erkrankungen

Connection between gut and brain: New insights into neurodegenerative diseases

The role the gut can play in Alzheimer's, dementia, Parkinson's, depression and anxiety disorders.
Leber entgiften durch Entgiftung von Darm mit PMA-Zeolith von PANACEO

Liver detox - even more effective in combination with a colon cleanse

Intestinal reorganisation and liver detoxification with PMA zeolite: How we can protect our central metabolic organs.
Darmentgiftung als Erfolgsfaktor in der Fastenzeit

Intestinal detoxification as a success factor during Lent

A natural and effective intestinal detox with BASIC-DETOX PLUS is the ideal support for achieving our fasting goals.
 Stress und Reizdarmsyndrom: Wie Stress den Verdauungstrakt beeinflusst

From the couch to relief: how sport and exercise can alleviate irretable bowel syndrom

Regular physical activity and exercise can have a positive influence on irritable bowel symptoms.
 Reizdarmsyndrom lindern durch Sport und Bewegung

From the couch to relief: how sport and exercise can alleviate irretable bowel syndrom

Regular physical activity and exercise can have a positive influence on irritable bowel symptoms.

Detoxify the body: Why and how to get rid of toxins

A detoxification cure can help rid the body of harmful substances and restore internal balance.
Was sind Tonminerale und wie wirken sie als natürliches Detox-Mittel im Körper?

What are clay minerals and how do they act as a natural detox agent in the body?

Clay minerals are natural minerals extracted from rocks containing clay and offer many health benefits to the body.
Natürliche Methoden zur Reduzierung von Ablagerungen und Schadstoffen im Körper

Natural methods to reduce pollutants in the body

In today's world, we are often exposed to many pollutants and deposits in our bodies. High exposure can have negative effects on our health.
Histaminintoleranz - Symptome und Linderung

Histamine intolerance: recognizing symptoms and strategies for relief

If you are suffering from unexplained symptoms such as headaches, fatigue or digestive problems, it is possible that you are suffering from histamine intolerance.
Polyphenole - Lebensmittel - Rezepte

Polyphenols explained: how these phytochemicals can help you live a healthier life

Polyphenols are mainly found in fruits and vegetables and have a positive effect on your health. Here you can learn how to cover your daily requirement of polyphenols.
Zusammenhang Fettleber und Ernährung

The connection between fatty liver and your diet: what you need to know

Millions of people worldwide are affected by fatty liver. What can be done about it and how can it be prevented?
 Darmsanierung mit PMA-Zeolith für einen gesunden Darm

Darmsanierung mit PMA-Zeolith für einen gesunden Darm

Schritt für Schritt zu einem gesunden Darm. In Ihrem Dickdarm tummeln sich Billionen Kleinstlebewesen.
Gesunder Darm mit PMA-Zeolith

Wie kann MED DARM-REPAIR bei Reizdarm helfen?

MED DARM-REPAIR ist ein All in One Präparat, dass bei Reizdarm nachweislich 5-fach wirkt und für eine deutliche Linderung von typischen Reizdarm-Symptomen sorgt.
Wie der Darm die Leber entlastet

Wie kann MED-DARM-REPAIR Darm und Leber stärken?

Die Leber übernimmt im Körper zahlreiche Stoffwechselaufgaben. Ist sie überlastet, leidet sie still. Das Gute ist, dass sie sich sehr rasch wieder regenerieren kann, wenn man seinen Lebenswandel anpasst und weitere Maßnahmen ergreift.
Leaky-Gut: Wie Zeolith bei durchlässigem Darm wirkt

Leaky-Gut: Wie Zeolith bei durchlässigem Darm wirkt

Ein zu durchlässiger Darm, medizinisch korrekt Leaky-Gut genannt, kann viele verschiedene Beschwerden auslösen.
Darmentgiftung mit PANACEO

Natürliche Darmentgiftung mit Zeolith Pulver oder Kapseln

Die Gesundheit liegt im Darm, heißt es bekanntlich. Denn gute Bauchgefühle sorgen für körperliches und seelisches (ganzheitliches) Wohlbefinden. Ist der Darm belastet, können negative Auswirkungen weit darüber hinaus spürbar werden.
glückliches Paar im Herbstpark

Autumn Cleaning For The Intestines And Cells

If the intestine is clean and clear, it can once again transport valuable nutrients, develop a beautiful, healthy flora and, above all, better absorb vital substances. If we take good care of ourselves, our cells will thank us with good health.
Detox im Herbst

Detoxing In Autumn with Basic-Detox Plus PMA-Zeolite!

Low temperatures, shorter days: now the body is also preparing for the cold season. The ideal time, therefore, to rid the intestines (center of the immune system) of toxins and strengthen the immune system for the fall.
Was ist sinnvoll bei Reizdarm?

3 Pillar-Thearpy - Useful For Irritable Bowel

Irritable bowel syndrome has many possible causes. Therefore, a correct diagnosis and an individual therapy are important for an improvement of the problems.

Trailrunning Scene - Training Tips With PANACEO

At the beginning of July, the Glacier Trailrun will take place again in the Tyrolean Ötztal. How to best prepare for it and how PANACEO can support you has now been published by editor-in-chief Sigrid Huber in the magazine "Trailrunning Szene".

Teresa Feix – Everyday Training and Competition Preparation In Competitive Sports

In summer on the bike, in winter on skis. Competitive sports in the everyday life of Teresa Feix, a 30-year-old from Styria, who feels most at home when doing sports in the mountains. Read here how she keeps fit and prepares for competitions.
Reisen mir Reizdarm

Safely On The Road Again - Despite Irritable Bowel Syndrome

The long-awaited summer vacation is just around the corner. This means pure happiness for many, however, the anticipation of irritable bowel syndrome can dampen the mood of many patients.
Spermidin und Resveratrol

Anti-Aging With Spermidine And Resveratrol – The Perfect Combination For Anti-Aging

The "Autophagy" (cleaning program of the cell) is the main action of spermidine and resveratrol. In combination, they mesh like cogs and together crank up autophagy even better.
Zeolith - Vulkanmineral mit Superkraft

ZEOLITE - A Unique Mineral From Nature

Few people know that a specially prepared natural zeolite is excellent in supporting human health. How it is used in human application & what is the difference from other preparations, you can read here.
Alternative zu Jodtabletten

Potassium Iodine Tablets - Zeolite Clinoptilolite A Useful Supplement Or Alternative?

Artificial radioactivity is rightly seen as a threat to people and nature, and one's own health and especially the maintenance of health is more important than ever. Zeolite-Klinoptilolite can be a helping alternative from nature.
Time to Detox

Time To Detox - Detoxification Is A Matter Of The Gut

A healthy, detoxified intestine is essential for an intact immune system. A detox cure therefore fits ideally into the season of Lent but can also be easily integrated into everyday life at any time during the year. How? The following info explains how.
Dominik Böcksteiner - Groß Glockner Ultra Trail

Großglockner Ultra-Trail (GGUT) - Dominik Böcksteiner

Dominik`s goal for 2020: the "GGUT" (110 km & 6.500 hm). In the Covid year, however, many competitions were canceled, including the GGUT. He took this as motivation and accomplished his "sports highlight" without a race number but with full enthusiasm.
MED DARM-REPAIR bei Bauchkrämpfen, Durchfall und Blähungen, Durchfall und Blähungen

Abdominal Cramps, Diarrhea, Flatulence – Do you also suffer from intestinal problems?

If your digestion isn't working properly, or the intestinal wall lets unwanted substances through, then indigestion and inflammation are the result. The good news is that help comes from nature with an Austrian medical device.
Claudia Müller beim Ironman

Double Ironman in Bad Radkersburg 2021 - Claudia Müller

With a preparation time of three months, Claudia became a double Ironman finisher. She had more than achieved her goal. How she fared and how she lived through it, you can read here in this post.
MED DARM-REPAIR hilft bei Reizdarm

Diagnosis: Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, inflammation, exhaustion or fatigue? The cause often lies in the intestines and for 20% of the population the diagnosis is usually: irritable bowel syndrome