Natural Products
Certified medical devices made in Austria
PMA Zeolite for your guthealth
Gesund durch die Corona Krise
Gesund durch die Corona Krise

Do Not Only Disinfect Your Hands, But Also Clean Yourself From The Inside

The intestine is the center of our health

In times of increased, especially viral stress, it is especially important to pay attention to your immune system.

80 % of our immune system is located in the intestine. This is exactly where PANACEO BASIC-DETOX PLUS - the master of detoxification - works.

The PMA-zeolite contained in PANACEO BASIC-DETOX PLUS strengthens the intestines and at the same time binds toxins in the gastrointestinal tract. This benefits not only the organism, but also the immune system responsible for the defense against pathogens.

Furthermore, avoid stress and eat a high-quality, balanced diet. Regular exercise and avoiding stimulants will also help your health.


Recommendations from zeolite expert Prof. Karl Hecht

"Based on the study situation, in the current COVID-19 (coronavirus) situation, active prevention with a 2 x daily oral intake of zeolite is absolutely recommended. Prepare a glass with at least 100 ml of water and add a portion of zeolite. Stir well with a plastic or ceramic spoon and drink sip by sip. In addition, I also recommend using mouthwashes with zeolite several times a day".

Dr. med. Dr. med. habil. Karl Hecht

Doctor, holistic medical scientist and author
Professor of Neurophysiology and Professor Emeritus of Experimental and Clinical Pathological Physiology at Humboldt University (Charité) in Berlin 20 with years of experience in the research of natural minerals and their effects on health


Your health is important to us

Strengthen your immune system with BASIC-DETOX PLUS.

The PMA-zeolite in BASIC-DETOX PLUS:

  • Cleans from the inside

by binding environmental pollutants in the gastrointestinal tract, which are excreted via the stool.*

  • Supports the immune system

and can positively influence your health and well-being.

  • Frees and protects

the intestine in the long term by not reabsorbing harmful substances (Retox-Stop).


Stay healthy!


* Intended main effect:
For binding heavy metals (lead, cadmium, arsenic, chromium and nickel) and ammonium in the gastrointestinal tract. Strengthens the intestinal wall barrier.