Natural Products
Certified medical devices made in Austria
PMA Zeolite for your guthealth
Löchrige Darmwand
Löchrige Darmwand

ATTENTION: Poisons Must Not Be Allowed To Pass Through The Intestinal Wall!

If the intestinal wall becomes porous (leaky gut), more pollutants enter the bloodstream.

Possible symptom complexes:

- Gradual drop in performance
- Allergies
- Fatigue & loss of drive
- Concentration difficulties
- Insomnia
- Higher susceptibility to infections

Since the above-mentioned symptoms can have many causes, always consult a doctor and pharmacist of your choice for any health-related questions or complaints.

If the intestinal wall is healthy, it represents an important protective barrier against harmful substances!

Important Health Advice:

- 80 % of all defense measures/reactions take place in the intestinal area.
- 70 % of all immune cells are found in the intestinal wall.

The intestinal wall (or the gastro-intestinal tract) is therefore to be regarded as the center of the immune system. Consequently, a strengthening of the intestinal wall is an essential contribution to human health and prevention of diseases.

Get Your Strength Back!

PANACEO BASIC-DETOX PLUS is suitable for the daily and natural strengthening of the intestinal wall barrier. This effect is supported by the binding of harmful substances in the gastro-intestinal tract. It thus contributes to an "intestine-conscious" lifestyle and can help prevent possible secondary diseases.

Pay attention to quality when buying zeolite products!

PANACEO Guarantees You By Using PMA Zeolite:

- Certified natural medical products,
- Raw material with tested premium quality and
- Products manufactured in Austria.

The Following Health Effects Are Achieved By Taking PANACEO BASIC-DETOX PLUS:

- Strengthening of the intestinal wall barrier
- Prevention of heavy metal contamination by contaminated food
- Support of the immune system by strengthening the intestinal function
- Promotion of a healthy intestinal environment
- Positive influence on vitality, well-being and health