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Spermidin und Resveratrol

Anti-Aging With Spermidine And Resveratrol – The Perfect Combination For Anti-Aging

The "Autophagy" (cleaning program of the cell) is the main action of spermidine and resveratrol. In combination, they mesh like cogs and together crank up autophagy even better.

Well Cared For Means Living Longer

The "secret of aging" and cell regeneration have long been the focus of science. With spermidine and other exclusive ingredients, you take good care of the cells and their regeneration and support antioxidant cell protection.

Our Daily Vitamin B

B-Vitamins are essential for the body to produce energy, supply the nervous system, form blood and the immune system. Since these water-soluble vitamins are not stored by the body, they must therefore be taken daily.
Wer rastet der rostet

„A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss“ – Healthy Joints Are Important For Mobility

The years don’t pass us by without leaving a mark: there’s a pull in the knee, then a tweak in the hip. Especially at the beginning of these complaints, we can do a lot ourselves to reduce the pain and maintain the mobility of the joints.

Curcuma – Power From The Asian Super Bulb

Curcuma is India's sacred plant to fight against common diseases. For years, this super bulb has also been used in alternative medicine to treat numerous diseases.
Cistus Pflanze

Cistus – A Distinct Wonder Plant

A strong immune system is the best precaution against infections caused by viruses and bacteria. The cistus (cistus incanus) has an antibacterial effect and makes a solid contribution to a strong immune system.
Weihrauch Kapseln

Indian Incense (Boswellia Serrata)

Already in ancient times, the resin of Boswellia serrata was one of the most important incense resins on earth. As "Indian incense" it is already well known and suitable for both internal and external use.