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Detoxify the body: Why and how to get rid of toxins

A detoxification cure can help rid the body of harmful substances and restore internal balance.
Was sind Tonminerale und wie wirken sie als natürliches Detox-Mittel im Körper?

What are clay minerals and how do they act as a natural detox agent in the body?

Clay minerals are natural minerals extracted from rocks containing clay and offer many health benefits to the body.
Natürliche Methoden zur Reduzierung von Ablagerungen und Schadstoffen im Körper

Natural methods to reduce pollutants in the body

In today's world, we are often exposed to many pollutants and deposits in our bodies. High exposure can have negative effects on our health.
Histaminintoleranz - Symptome und Linderung

Histamine intolerance: recognizing symptoms and strategies for relief

If you are suffering from unexplained symptoms such as headaches, fatigue or digestive problems, it is possible that you are suffering from histamine intolerance.
Gesunde Ernährung - gesunder Darm

From the couch to relief: how sport and exercise can alleviate irretable bowel syndrom

Regular physical activity and exercise can have a positive influence on irritable bowel symptoms.