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Schnelle Energie aus der Natur
Schnelle Energie aus der Natur

Quick Energy From Nature – For Sport and Everyday Life

Whether it’s a dull moment during a stressful day or during your training or competition, there’s nothing you want more than a quick kick to regain your energy. Nature can provide us with this energy boost. What we know to remedy this situation are so-called energy drinks, caffeinated soft drinks, energy bars or even the classic cup of coffee. However, if we take a closer look, nature can also provide us with energy boosters to help us achieve our best performance.

A high-quality and natural combination of magnesium, calcium, vitamin C and guarana form an outstanding composition for the phases in which the body needs it most urgently. Dextrose provides the body with high quality energy that is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. Caffeine from guarana extract rounds off Mother Nature's range of products that were previously listed.

Combined in the new PANACEO ENERGY BOOST³ as a strong addition to PANACEO, are the above-mentioned ingredients to ensure the immediate energy kick, which can last up to 4 hours thanks to the natural caffeine from guarana extract (= 1 cup of espresso). No matter whether at work, school, in everyday life or during sports, the high-quality natural substances ensure a quick effect and a pleasant taste.

🔋 Dextrose - So-called simple sugars such as the dextrose used in PANACEO ENERGY BOOST³, serve as a quick source of energy for our body's cells. This energy supplier quickly enters the blood stream and can refill the empty glucose reservoirs. During physical and mental exertion, dextrose is especially popular among athletes.

🗻 Dolomite (natural magnesium and calcium) - Dolomite is a finely ground mineral powder which, in addition to normal nutrition, helps to cover the daily calcium and magnesium requirements from a natural source. Magnesium and calcium contribute to normal muscle function and energy metabolism.

🥥 Coconut Milk Powder - In addition to its unique aroma, the nutritional value of the naturally contained ingredients of coconut is especially welcomed. Coconut contains a large amount of valuable minerals and high quality nutrients. The coconut milk powder contained in PANACEO ENERGY BOOST³ provides a pleasant taste as well as the health benefits.

🍅 Guarana Extract - In the coffee bean-sized fruit of the guarana plant lies the real secret. It contains seeds from which the guarana extract used in PANACEO ENERGY BOOST³ is also extracted. According to EFSA, the caffeine contained has a stimulating effect and thus contributes to increased alertness, increased attention and increased endurance, stamina and concentration.

🍒 Acerola (Vitamin C) - Acerola is a real vitamin C bomb. The acerola fruit is the size of a cherry and contains many times more vitamin C than a lemon. It helps to strengthen the immune system during and after intense physical activity as well as to reduces fatigue and tiredness.